Participation Mystique


Participation Mystique consists of two sculptures that stand independently but are connected by elongated protruding parts. On these parts, the text inter / being is inscribed, a philosophical concept created by Thich Nhat Hanh. It describes the interconnectedness of all elements on earth: humans, animals, and nature. To physically connect people to my sculpture, I made wristbands from the same materials as the sculpture itself—wool dyed with woad, madder, cochineal, and weld. At the opening of the exhibition, I handed these wristbands out to visitors. These people were connected to my sculpture, to each other, and to the natural materials within their wristbands.


Materials are wet felted white wool from sheep in Rotterdam and natural dyes (blue woad, orange madder, yellow weld, pink cochineal) willow branches and concrete colored with charcoal.
1.75 x 1.5m x 0.45m